
Swiss industry operates in a dynamic environment where success relies on continuous adjustment and innovation. Economic uncertainties, such as the strength of the Swiss franc, are affecting the development of Swiss industrial companies, which increases global competitive pressure. In addition, geopolitical risks have a particular impact on supply chains and costs.

Challenges & Focus

Innovative Workplace

Swiss companies are under increasing pressure to maintain and expand their innovative capacity. This includes rapid and efficient innovation processes, the development of products and services that go beyond traditional approaches, and adaptation to global innovation trends that meet the needs of both emerging countries and developed markets. There is a great need for qualified employees in this key area of Swiss quality, which can only be satisfied through targeted training and foreign specialists.

Industry 4.0

Increasing digitalization offers opportunities to optimize processes through better transparency and real-time data. Swiss companies must invest in technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), blockchain, and advanced analytics to improve efficiency. Rapid technological development requires continuous adjustment of business models and targeted investments in order to remain competitive in the long-term.


Swiss industry is heavily integrated into global supply chains. This means that disruptions in other parts of the world, such as political unrest, natural disasters or pandemics, can have a significant impact on Swiss production. The challenge is to make supply chains more resilient, for example by diversifying suppliers, acquisitions to strengthen the depth of added value, or by increasing inventories of critical components. As a non-EU country, Switzerland is particularly affected by trade agreements and customs regulations.

Renewable energy



Network convergence

need for skilled workers

Focus in energy

market integration

New competitor


customer needs

material supply chains


High investment and innovation requirements

Pressure on margins due to higher costs for logistics and digitalization

Risks and opportunities through Clean Energy Transition

Employer attractiveness becomes a competitive advantage

Continuous optimization of the supply chain and trade (export/import)

Growth and expansion through transactions

Swiss industrial companies will have to refinance more debt in the coming years. Together with the scarcity of domestic credit supply, pressure on industrial companies with weak credit ratings is expected to grow. It is crucial that these companies review their financing concepts, implement portfolio adjustments if necessary, and tap into different sources of financing in order to maintain their strategic and financial flexibility.

Industrials Insights

Contact Us

Dr. Thomas Vettiger
Managing Partner, Co-Founder
Christian Hirzel
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